The Singapore Prize and Morningstar Investing Excellence

The Singapore Prize (abbreviated SLP) is a biennial literary award presented by the National Book Development Council of Singapore (NBDCS) to authors of published works in each of the country’s four official languages, namely Chinese, English, Malay and Tamil. The winner of each category receives a cash prize of S$10,000 and the runners-up each win S$5,000. The awards have become a popular fixture on the cultural calendar and are one of the most prestigious literary awards in Asia.

The winners of the 2024 Morningstar Awards for Investing Excellence in Singapore have been recognised for serving investors well over the long term, and for being investment managers with strong risk-adjusted returns. These funds and asset managers have also positioned themselves as leading choices in their respective categories, based on the ratings of Morningstar’s manager research team.

A healthy civil society depends on people who are committed to their communities and, at pivotal times, will put the common good before their own interests. This year’s Harvard Prize Book recognises and encourages such altruism. It includes stories about ordinary citizens who have helped their fellows in troubled times and those who have done extraordinary acts of kindness.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore began testing wastewater to trace the source of outbreaks, mimicking efforts by other countries. This was made possible largely due to the work of Dutch microbiologist Prof Gertjan Medema, who won this year’s Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize for his breakthrough in wastewater-based epidemiology. His method allows for the rapid detection of traces of the virus in a community, helping to detect and contain outbreaks early.

The heir to the British throne last visited Singapore in 2012 with his wife Princess Catherine, but this time he’s travelling solo. The prince is in town to spotlight the finalists of this year’s Earthshot Prize, which he and his Royal Foundation charity launched in 2020 to promote innovation projects that aim to tackle climate change. He’ll be joined by celebrities including Cate Blanchett and Donnie Yen, and Australian wildlife conservationist Robert Irwin at the third awards ceremony. The finalists will present their solutions in five areas: nature protection, clean air, ocean revival and waste elimination.